Characteristics of the Best Wine Cellar Cooling Systems in Vancouver Canada


    Wine should be protected from many things, including UV radiation. A wine cooler should protect wines from sunlight exposure.

    When storing wines in wine cellars, humidity is an issue. This is because the lack of it can cause the drying out of corks, and will subsequently damage the wines. Temperature fluctuations are also an issue in wine cellars, because these can cause the premature aging of wines. Vibrations are also an issue, because wines will get ruined if exposed to too much vibration in the cellar.

    When it comes to wine refrigerators, temperature fluctuations are something that should be minimized at all costs. However, vibration and the drying out of corks are not really a problem when it comes to wine refrigerators or wine coolers, because wines are stored in these for only a short period of time.

    Generally, the temperature in wine refrigerators fluctuate. This is because most wine coolers are designed to operate in room temperature environment, and if these are placed in locations that are subject to extreme climate changes, the temperature inside will be affected.

    The best way to protect your wines from fluctuating temperature inside the wine cooler is to keep the refrigerator full. A full refrigerator will take longer to achieve the right temperature, but once it is reached, the wines will act as a cooling block and prevent temperature fluctuations.

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