Wine Flaws and Vancouver Wine Cellar Cooling Systems

How do you make sure that the wines you have in your collection are of the best quality? Ensuring freshness and taste quality of wine is quiet a challenging task. But, with proper wine storage, your wine will surely satisfy your guests’ palate during a party in your Vancouver custom wine cellar.

Poor storage conditions often result in wine flaws. Wine flaws are minor attributes that cause wine to be less than enjoyable. By keeping wine in a wine cellar that can stabilize temperature and humidity, proper storage can be achieved and wine flaws can be prevented.

We have this notion that the longer the wine is stored, the better it tastes. Basically, we all have to remember that only a small percentage of fine wines on the market benefit from long term aging. Most wines are best enjoyed within a few years of release.

Common Causes of Wine Flaws and Tips for Proper Wine Storage

Too Much Heat

We have to take note that it is important to keep wine cool, but not too cool. Heat is the number one enemy of wine, but make sure not to keep it somewhere so cold that it could freeze. If the storage area is too hot, wine often become oxidized and get “cooked”, resulting in flat aromas and flavors. This is why wine racks must not be placed near sources of heat such as appliances.


Vibration must also be avoided so as not to disturb wine’s sediments. Disturbed sediments can cause unpleasant flavour in wine. Wine must also be kept in a dark area because too much exposure to light can affect the quality your most precious wines. Keeping these wines without much further consideration may result in wine flaws.

Poor Wine Storage or Transportation

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